Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In Between Dreams

For the past two months, I have had my hands full, and I am one lucky mama. I am enjoying all the new moments - snuggling with not one baby but two, bonding with a new baby who grows by the day by my milk alone (still blows my mind), Naomi's first year of preschool, watching them both sleep, having Deddy home with us on the weekends - these are by far some of my favorite moments of all.  Juggling motherhood with keeping home, I've made it somewhat of a dance, and I am still practicing to perfect the ensemble.  Some days are harder than others, but the sweet, precious moments with my children outweigh the stress by far.  I'm just still trying to find time to do it all, and I am (slowly) learning that it just can't all be done.  My mama says it best, "Martha. You want FOUR?! You're going to HAVE to let some things go!" :) So, housework and chores wait, and the babies get all the lovin.  These are the days!!

Benjamin came into our lives as healthy as can be on July 25, 2012. He weighed 7lbs 15oz, only one ounce away from my guesstimate a week beforehand.  I had a superb group of coaches and nurses, and without them, I most definitely would've had an epidural again.  This time, however, I gave birth au naturale, and it was the. hardest. thing. I have ever done!  But, I would do it again just like that in a heartbeat.  The recovery period was much better that way. I labored for 12 hours, but was only in hard labor for 2 hours. Once it came time for pushing, I only pushed for 3 minutes!  The hardest part was trying NOT to push as we waited for the doctor to arrive.  He remarked that he now knows that I am one of "the fast ones," and he will have to scoot down the hall faster next time! He is a great doctor, and I am thankful for him and the wonderful crew at Candler for our care while in the hospital.  We (Benjamin and I) stayed for 24 hours, and we were allowed to go home the very next morning.  I loved everything about this labor and delivery, and to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.

We had a houseful of family ready to help in every way they could when we arrived home.  Even our family at The Lady and Sons came to our aid and provided us with a catered lunch and dinner that lasted for days!  I've even got some of the yummy country cookin' still stored away in the freezer.  That was such a huge help, and we are forever grateful for it.  Benjamin slept like a champ for the first week, and we all took turns passing him around.  He's been sleeping through the night since week one too.  Such an easy, low-key babe.  He only cries during my exercise class. Ha. Sorry buddy, exercise is here to stay!

Benjamin giving a baby-sized "girl power" in honor of his big sis :)

This girl. She mimics every little thing I do! LOL

Benji weighed in at 12lbs 14oz at his 2 month check up yesterday.  He is growing too quickly! I want to just freeze time, but time is getting the best of me these days.  Between raising two babies, keeping house, Naomi's preschool, and my new exercise regimen (stroller strong moms 3x/week), I am having trouble remembering days of the week let alone days of the month!  It all runs together, and I am enjoying each and every moment. On the hard days, I remember what my mama told me: "Enjoy it all because when they're teenagers, you'll be wanting these days back!" I have to repeat that to myself on the fussy, tired, cranky, sick days.  Haha.  But I'm loving it all!! Loving these babies!! :)

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In Between Dreams

For the past two months, I have had my hands full, and I am one lucky mama. I am enjoying all the new moments - snuggling with not one baby but two, bonding with a new baby who grows by the day by my milk alone (still blows my mind), Naomi's first year of preschool, watching them both sleep, having Deddy home with us on the weekends - these are by far some of my favorite moments of all.  Juggling motherhood with keeping home, I've made it somewhat of a dance, and I am still practicing to perfect the ensemble.  Some days are harder than others, but the sweet, precious moments with my children outweigh the stress by far.  I'm just still trying to find time to do it all, and I am (slowly) learning that it just can't all be done.  My mama says it best, "Martha. You want FOUR?! You're going to HAVE to let some things go!" :) So, housework and chores wait, and the babies get all the lovin.  These are the days!!

Benjamin came into our lives as healthy as can be on July 25, 2012. He weighed 7lbs 15oz, only one ounce away from my guesstimate a week beforehand.  I had a superb group of coaches and nurses, and without them, I most definitely would've had an epidural again.  This time, however, I gave birth au naturale, and it was the. hardest. thing. I have ever done!  But, I would do it again just like that in a heartbeat.  The recovery period was much better that way. I labored for 12 hours, but was only in hard labor for 2 hours. Once it came time for pushing, I only pushed for 3 minutes!  The hardest part was trying NOT to push as we waited for the doctor to arrive.  He remarked that he now knows that I am one of "the fast ones," and he will have to scoot down the hall faster next time! He is a great doctor, and I am thankful for him and the wonderful crew at Candler for our care while in the hospital.  We (Benjamin and I) stayed for 24 hours, and we were allowed to go home the very next morning.  I loved everything about this labor and delivery, and to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing.

We had a houseful of family ready to help in every way they could when we arrived home.  Even our family at The Lady and Sons came to our aid and provided us with a catered lunch and dinner that lasted for days!  I've even got some of the yummy country cookin' still stored away in the freezer.  That was such a huge help, and we are forever grateful for it.  Benjamin slept like a champ for the first week, and we all took turns passing him around.  He's been sleeping through the night since week one too.  Such an easy, low-key babe.  He only cries during my exercise class. Ha. Sorry buddy, exercise is here to stay!

Benjamin giving a baby-sized "girl power" in honor of his big sis :)

This girl. She mimics every little thing I do! LOL

Benji weighed in at 12lbs 14oz at his 2 month check up yesterday.  He is growing too quickly! I want to just freeze time, but time is getting the best of me these days.  Between raising two babies, keeping house, Naomi's preschool, and my new exercise regimen (stroller strong moms 3x/week), I am having trouble remembering days of the week let alone days of the month!  It all runs together, and I am enjoying each and every moment. On the hard days, I remember what my mama told me: "Enjoy it all because when they're teenagers, you'll be wanting these days back!" I have to repeat that to myself on the fussy, tired, cranky, sick days.  Haha.  But I'm loving it all!! Loving these babies!! :)

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